Forms & Permits

  • Dog License
    Dog licenses are $5 for neutered or $10 for un-neutered dogs. A kennel license can be purchased for $35. The kennel license gives an owner 12 tags to use as needed within that particular kennel. All dog licenses are payable yearly. Dogs are required to have current rabies shot. Contact the Town Treasurer for dog licenses.
  • Driveway Permits

    Driveway Permits are required at a cost of $5. Before the permit is issued, the resident should consult with patrolman for proper placement of driveway, and size and placement of culvert. The permit is issued by the Town Patrolman.

  • Mailboxes

    It is recommended that mailboxes be mounted on a swing-away frame.
    An example is provided.

  • Nonmetallic Mining Permit

    Nonmetallic Mining permits are required for operations of gravel pits, sand mines or other mineral aggregate or nonmeteallic mineral extraction. See Ordinances 2012-05 and 2013-02; which govern nonmetallic mining operations in the Town.

    An application form is attached. Click here for the permit application procedures.

  • Blasting Permits

    Blasting Permits are required by the town when nonmetallic mining operators wish to blast. See Ordinance 2013-03 As Amended on April 9, 2014.

    An application form is attached.

  • Fireworks Permit
    Under state law, people wishing to use or possess fireworks within the Town of Sumner must get a permit from the town.  To apply, complete the fireworks permit application and contact the Town Board Chairperson, Steve Palmquist for approval.
  • Building Permit Application
    Please see the Building Permit Information Page for detailed steps to apply for a Town of Sumner Building Permit.
  • Building Permit Information Page Download